Recycle Your Electronic Waste
Pacific Steel & Recycling, Staples and Best Buy all accept electronic waste for recycling. Find more information here.
Buy Green for Your Office
Reduce waste and save money with green products! Buy reusable office supplies like refillable pens and pencils. Choose materials that can be locally recycled. Buy products with post-consumer recycled content to complete the recycling cycle.
Pack a Zero-Waste Lunch
Use only reusable or recyclable containers for your daily lunch. Pack silverware and a cloth napkin to eat with. Bring a refillable water bottle and coffee mug to keep at work. Remember that aluminum foil can be recycled!

Reduce the Impact of Your Commute
Start a carpool with your co-workers. Try walking or biking a couple times a week. Driving less can quickly lessen your carbon footprint.
Reduce Your Use of Office Paper
The average office worker uses 10,000 sheets of office paper per year. Use both sides of the paper, print faxes on half-used paper, use inter- and intra-office envelopes for mailing documents, and take advantage of e-mail and electronic media.
Manage Your Office Building Better
Using energy efficient office machines and lighting, using building materials that are non-toxic and made of recycled or recyclable materials, and having office-wide recycling and composting are ways to ensure the health of your works and the environment.
The EcoStar Program
The EcoStar Program gives public recognition to Montana businesses taking environmentally friendly steps within their organization.
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